Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November Thanksgivings- Days 21-23

Phew, I feel like I'm way behind here, but we have been busy battling the flu bug at our house. I've got three days to make up for. This will have to be a quick catch up because I am behind on so many other things as well!
Today I am thankful for:
1. Our house is finally healthy... I think. As soon as everyone seems better it strikes again. At this point in time I believe it is truly over. Hooray!
2. Washers and dryers. I could have never stayed on top of the laundry in the last week around here without mine. The washing machine may be antique and the dryer often emits an annoying, high squeak while running, but they still get the job done :)
3. The care and concern so many friends and family have extended to us in the past few days while we have been through the ringer. Many called and checked in, some dropped off necessary supplies and others sent thoughts and prayers our way. To each and every one of you, thank you!

1 comment:

Kim @ Life of a Modern Mom said...

Sorry to hear you guys were sick. Hope you are doing better! The flu is awful!